Git Workshop

Wednesday May 22nd, 2024

6PM Bergin 116

group photo at hackathoon


Thank you for coming to Hack for Humanity 2024!

It was so great to see all of you and to see all of your amazing projects. It was our biggest hackathon to date and it was such an honor to see all of your hard work. This is our annual hackathon and so if you weren't able to make it this year, we'll see you next year!


Events and Activities

Our Mission

SCU's ACM-W chapter advocates for women's full engagement in computing. We foster a learning environment where women can become passionate about CS, through workshops, mentorship events,connections with SCU alumni, and local industry representatives. We strive to inspire our members with knowledge about women's contributions to technology and empower women to pursue their goals.

ACM SCU Chapter

ACM is our brother organization at SCU. While we dedicate ourselves to the advancement of women in computer science, we welcome all to our club. You should feel welcome at ACM's events as well! We love to see our members interact with both clubs, similary to how our board members interact with each other.